Monday, March 30, 2015

All Black Rock Mountain Cards To Be Coming April 2nd!

Here's a list of all the cards that will be coming out on April 2nd! Be sure to preorder now!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Comcast Pissed Me Off, So I Bought 55 Hearthstone Packs!

I decided recently it's time to have internet that isn't actually shit. So I got Xfinity. Long story short it doesn't work yet. So, 48 hours later and 6, yes SIX, support hotline calls later, I got really pissed off and spent way to much money on Hearthstone packs. They weren't the best cards ever, but it made me happy. Here, take a look.

I'll add more content to this post, for now I just wanted to be able to show it off. Not the best packs ever opened, but well, there it is. 40 GvG packs and 15 Normal packs. One Legenday. Lost of dust from cards I already had. What sound I craft first? I have like no legionaries. Until next time, peace guys!