Friday, March 27, 2015

My Thoughts On Released Blackrock Mountain Hearthstone Cards!

It was just released that Blackrock Mountain is going to drop APRIL 2ND and since thats the case, I thought I would post my thoughts on current cards that have been released by Blizzard. Hearthstone is one of my current favorite games, and I had fun thinking about these cards. I posted some thoughts on Twitter, but I wanted to publish them somewhere. So without further ado;

Axe Flinger seems like an alright card to add to an aggro Warrior deck, but most of the Warrior decks I see in early Ranked are control, and by lower Ranks you have better cards to work with. Still, I can see some one being able to make this work with Deathbite's deathrattle and whirlwind. I honestly don't play Warrior often... or well. But I think someone who really plays it well could get some real damage out of this

Dragon decks for the win? Like Mech decks when Goblins Vs. Gnomes came out, it looks like Dragon decks will be a 'thing' now. Starting with this card, which will undoubtedly be the 'easy' to earn and start with card for Dragon Decks, Blackwing Technician will be a very useful 3 drop. If you're playing a Dragon Deck you're going to FILL it with Dragons (Obviously) So the chance of having this card and no Dragon card is very unlikely. A turn 3 3/5 is a nice addition to any deck.

Take what I said for Blackwing Technician, and pretty much copy it here. Dragons fill deck blah blah, Unlikely not to have one in hand blah blah, point is, this is gonna be a pretty nice turn 5 card, and addition damage isn't a bad battle cry. But don't forget, Nightblade does the same thing for no condition, though you do sacrifice one Attack Damage. Obviously, this is the ideal choice for a Dragon Deck, but you shouldn't put it in a deck with few Dragon Cards.

Remember Buzzard into Unleash? Well that got really really really REALLY nerfed, but had it not I would have said this card is useless. However, since Hunter is barely played anymore because it's actually hard (in my opinion), Core Rager might actually be relevant. I'm very interested to see a deck where the goal is to empty your hand and play ridiculous cards like this. Kinda like Zoo except... well with Hunter. Hunter Zoo? No... Really? ... Nah couldn't be... Unless...

Hello Flame Cannons replacement, how are you today? Sure you have to pull some Rogue shit before you play it, but I'm sure it can be figured out. To put it like this: You can either use the low cost RNG Flame Cannon, or the I-need-to-pull-some-shit-here Dragon's Breath. If this card were to deal more damage it would be better, at 4 mana you can use Fireball, which makes this card seem even LESS relevant. Still, someone will make it cost 0. Someone. Somewhere.

Does this card scream Priests best friend to anyone else? Because it does to me. First off, this card is a one drop, meaning if you play it on turn one, and your opponent can't clear it, you're set. Power Word: Shield, Divine Spirit, Velens, the possibilites are endless, 2/1 Whelps for days. But that's just one persons opinion. This could be another Nerubian Egg, which started like "Oh shit, he has a Nerubian Egg" and ended up like "HAH, he plays Nerubian Egg!"

Speaking of priests, you know what they hate? High health cards with 4 attack. With a decent health bust spell, or any spell really, you can make that happen. What's nice is that even though this card counters Priests really well, it's also just a decent card to use in any deck, especially with classes that have a lot of spells like Mage, Shaman, Priest, Etc. Also keep in mind that it only buffs if YOU cast the spell on it. Opponent spells have no effect on it.

Have you ever said, "You know what Hearthstone needs? A combo with Alexstraza"? Me neither. But we got it. But it doesn't stop there, oh no. Since this card is 6 mana, it's already late game, just wait til your opponent is below 15 health and then pull this out to really make your enemies say "Well shit" and hit that concede button. Or don't. A 6 mana 6/6 isn't that bad of a drop either. I think it's a good card buff or no buff.

I like to call this card the Vancleef Fraternal Twin. Vancleef gains damage and health with each card played that turn, Volcanic Drake becomes cheaper to play as more minions are played. An interesting combo? Yeah. I would say so. Although, since its cheaper based on minions and not just cards, this may also be, and I dread to say it, yet another Zoo card. Ugh.

Can I just say, Wow, I'm excited about this one. Flamewaker is a great addition to any Mage deck, as long as it actually holds spells. Which. I mean. If you're running Mage without spells are you REALLY running Mage? No. So it would be a fun Turn 3 drop. I would definitely be looking for this in my starting hand to make it most useful, but it can also be great late game with a mass of spells behind it.

Is this the ghost from Gravity Falls in one of the most dramatic episodes yet? I may the only semi-grown person who watches that, but I shouldn't be! Grim Patron is a hell of a card, though it can be easily dealt with. If you fight a Paladin I would even play this card, between weapons and Hammer of Wrath, you might as well say "Here, have 5 mana for free, from me to you!" However, with a decent taunt on field, you can control the damage he takes from minions, and maybe fuck some shit up. Pardon my french.

Ever been in a gang? I was in a gang once. They kicked me out for not being "lollipop enough" Bam! What up Wizard of Oz reference! This could be a fun little card to try out, but I honestly can't make much of it myself. A few extra 1/1's, maybe worth buffing, but I can't imagine so myself. It's definitely not a bad card, just not a card I'm looking for. In summary, Eh.

Can I say, Overload decks heavily made more relevant much? Shock cards are like high value collectors items to me, and this addition as another one is just... breathtaking. Let me just Earth Elemental, Crackle, Feral, and then use THIS next turn. Holy. Shit. I'm pretty excite guys, I'm not gonna lie. My gawd.

Okay, I'm just confused. Are ONLY cards from the enemy class in the pool, or are neutral cards included as well? It sounds like the first, however it is a little unclear to me. But what do I know. Still, this is a pretty schweet card. Another typical 8/8 Legendary may be what the current meta of this game needs. Or not. I think he just looks kinda cool to be honest. I'm suprised Blizzard didn't make Nefarian the first card to be added Hearthstone. Like. Ever.

I did these in order as I found them, but this isn't a bad card to end on. This is the first legendary I can think of that is Deck Type Specific. What I mean by that is, you wouldn't run this legendary in any deck but a Dragon based deck. I can't think of another card that you would say "Oh, I can only play this in a Mech deck" at this time. But it is 3:40 in the morning, and I'm getting a bit tired. BUT I'm pretty sure I'm right. Either way, sweet card that could do some considerable damage to an enemy who tries to use a weapon to take it out due to its low health.

Alright, well this is my thoughts on all the cards I'm aware of for the upcoming release of Blackrock Mountain, which drops April 2nd. If I missed any, let me know so I can add it, I found a new card or two that I hadn't seen before looking for these pics. I'll be posting more on here, as I no longer stream and I have some extra time on my hands. Drop a comment, tweet, email, whatever you want to let me know your thoughts on the cards, and your thoughts on my thoughts. I'm no professional, but I put quite a bit of thought into these so I hope they please. Take care all, peace!

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